Friday 8 August 2014

Friday's choice

Not a bad Friday today so not a lot to write about. I spent time yelling at the electricity company about their billing system and then hanging on for their technical department because I have no working plugs in my kitchen! Good news they arrived a few hours later, bad news, we need a private electrician to look at our circuits. Thank goodness everything else works, otherwise I would be able to blog today, but we did have to get 2 extension cords to keep my fridge going! 

Then I spent time studying for a course I am doing on Monday and Tuesday ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life support) they give you a pre-test before the class even starts! I am very passionate about CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation).

I had to quickly make a watch for my daughter to give as a gift to a friend who is having her Bat Mitzvah (confirmation) party on Saturday night. For those who don't know in the Jewish faith 12 for a girl and 13 for a boy (girls mature faster than boys) are very big deal birthdays. They become responsible for their actions and are considered almost adults.
Making these watches is what got me started seriously after all, before that it was just an expensive hobby as I don't actually wear jewelry.

These watches are custom made in the girls two favorite colors.

Sometimes I use these glass pearl beads and sometimes I use crystals, it depends on the personality of the girl, I did make a charm bracelet watch for one girl.

Today in the Books and Movies page, I look at one of the first beading books I ever bought.

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