Tuesday 24 June 2014

No Monday Blues for me!

With my new aggressive (for me anyway) advertising effort my Etsy views have doubled now to make a sale!

I have been looking at other blogs this week and thinking hard on how to make this blog enjoyable and informative and successful.

If you are one of the kind people reading my blog as I post you will notice that every now and then something changes, I have been trying to find a format that will work for me and entice more people to share and get more readers.

I have settled on a plan of action that will hopefully give us all something to look forward to reading each week.

For those linguist you will occasionally note that either the spelling is slightly off or the grammar is not all it should be.  The spell check is set for U.S. English as that is where most of my shop clients are. The bad grammar is all mine.

The format that I have settled on is as follows

On Mondays I would like to look at the week ahead and the week that has just been. For the week ahead it will be items like teasers that will appear in this blog during the week and in the week past I will look at things that I learnt from readers comments, other blogs and what was in the news that was interesting.

On Tuesdays I will publish "interviews" with different people, some will be crafters and some will be inspirational, some may be other bloggers, but everyone will have something for us to enjoy. This week I will "interview" myself so that you can get to know me.

On Wednesdays I will feature one item from Adiesdesigns and talk about how it came about and the making of it. This will also be the days when it is a good idea to look in the specials page as sometimes just for my followers I will have a treat.  (a coupon, a give away, a competition etc.)

On Thursdays we will talk fashion, trends, colors, shoes, hair, accessories, where to find, how to dress for different occasions, this information will come from lots of different sources and fashion blogs, online clothing shops.

On Fridays I would like to do a review, whether it is a movie, a book, or a TV show.


On Sundays I will feature a recipe, something that I found or made. Healthy eating tips. Cooking tips and all things food related.

I hope this will keep us all entertained.  If there is something you would like to read about please ask and I will research it .

There will be no political discussions in this blog!!!

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